I have nothing against cute little bunnies, I just didn't want one on my apron. So I picked up this fabric at Joann's, thinking I would just put a heart over the bunny.
I found a heart that was the right size on the Internet, cut it out, then traced in on my fabric. I kind of outlined the edge of the fabric with a black indelible marker to make it stand out more. Then I went around the edges of the heart with fray check and let it dry. I think stitched it to the apron, over the bunny, with a straight stitch, as close to the edge as possible.
But they also had these little metal thingies that make the apron adjustable. I detest these things! My daughter's aprons have them and I can never make them work. Too complicated for my simple mind, I guess.
So I decided to get rid of them and just sew the neck strap into the front.
I got the hearts sewed on and they looked great! But since I had fabric left over, I decided I should do something else with it.
So I added a couple of ruffles. They turned out sooooo cute!!
Here's my daughter, Ruth, modeling one of them for me. Wasn't that sweet of her? Of course, she has no idea I'm putting her picture on my blog!!
What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right?
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